Simple question. If I have a shared printer on a Win 7 x64 system and no shared folders or drives on that system, can a worm or any malware from another machine on my network infect it? I have never come across this but I was just wondering. If it could become infected through just a shared printer could you go into detail on how? I’m really looking for somebody who knows this inside and out and not guesses. Not trying to be harsh I just want a concrete answer and explanation.
Sophos Anti-Virus for Windows 2000+: removing W32/Confick and Mal/Conficker with Sophos Anti-Virus
quote: To stop it from spreading by this method, file and print sharing must be disabled until all computers have been fully cleaned.
Thanks for the response, they look like old articles. A solution would be to use NetBEUI but Windows 7 doesn’t support it. I understand how a worm travels over the network using tcp/ip. Just wonder how it would copy itself or inflict damage if no drives or folders are shared. Unless there’s some glaring security holes present which God knows with 9x and XP there was.