Hello! After a Bagle infection in my Windows XP (SP2-regularly updated) I cleaned it from the virus (or better, I hope to have cleaned it … : ).
Now Antivirus - Ad-Aware - Gmer - Hijackthis - etc. tell me it is all ok. Also, I restored the register keys destroyed by Bagle, also Safeboots keys, and now all seems to work ok.
Then I scraped out the old antivirus that didn’t find Bagle 8) and installed AVS, hoping it’s better of the old one…
AVS work ok, it scanned all my disks without find anything, but when I installed it I got a warning about shellex.dll not possible to install. I clicked “Ignore” to terminate the installation but now I have not the possibilities from the context menu of Explorer (right-click menu) to scan a single file or directory. I have not the classic line “Scan with…”
What’s the problem ? Some register-key missed ? Or the old antivirus locked this function ? Or others ?
Many thanks!
No, I’m not sure was a AVG “gift” or some register key locked or cleared by Bagle ???
Next I will try (AVS ?) technical support
P.S. I tried to register manually shellex.dll with regsvr32 command … and it works ok !!! :o :o
Now I have the line “Scan for Viruses” into the right-click menu ;D ;D
Tomorrow I will look if it’s already working 8)
Many thanks and good bye