shield P2P

It is possible to add Azureus in shield P2P. S

o yes how to make ?

There is a thread where Vlk aske for what files are used by a certain p2p client.
Find it and read what Alwil needs to know before they can add it.

Can you please post the link for it?

Afflicted, but I do not speak English very well. Could you give me the corresponding bond Thank you

No body can help me !

How much are you gonna pay me if I do the search for you? ;D


How much do you earn posting at first time without helping the user with a hint? For instance, telling him/her the best keyword to search… just a moment and, in my opinion, it will be more friendship and helpful 8)
Eddy, don’t misunderstand me, I’m not blaming you. You help us a lot. Just a comment that, from time to time, we need to show the way to the newbies. When they start loving the forum, they’ll come back to help the others. It’s an investment :slight_smile:

Sorry but i’m french and when i was speak english i use a translator

Don’t worry, I was talking to Eddy at that post.
About your problem, well, I don’t know when Azureus will be added to the P2P application list… I’ll ask Alwil team.

Many thx for your answer

Tech did you ask them?I too am an Azureus user would very much like them to add it to p2p shield :slight_smile:



Eddy i think they already know :wink:

Mikey, I’ve used the button ‘Report to Moderator’… Hope they listen us 8)

I hope so.I added my request to the wishlist thread some time ago…I hope they add Azureus ASAP cause i really use it everyday :slight_smile: