
recently have free version (1year)

the following shields say they r RUNNING
but show 0/0 in terms of scanned annd found

are they operating properly

Mail Shield 0/0 showing RUNNING tick:scan inbound message tick:scanning outbound message
no list of any files mail scanned

P2P shield 0/0 showing RUNNING
says has no basic setting use expert settings - all ticked
shows o files scanned o files infected

Script shiels 0/0 showing RUNNING
no basic settings
expert settings - no exclusion all others ticked


Uninstall Avast with aswclear.exe in safe mode and download latest version of Avast (7.0.1466)

PS:If you already use latest verison of Avast (7.0.1466) try to repair Avast…don,t forget restart your PC.

have been running since 18th July
my updated prog version through auto update is 7.0.1466 virus def 120821-0

sorry Im pretty basic
dont know how to repair

Start-Control Panel-Add-Remove programs-Avast-Repair (follow instructions) when you done restart your PC. I prefer uninstall Avast with aswclear.exe in safe mode.

PS:Your are mention you have problems with 3shields…Mail,P2P and Script shield…(Mail shield) Did you setup email with Avast shield? (P2P shield) Do you have any P2P program?

under uninstall it doesnt offer me the option to repair
it only offers Uninstall/Change
but i take it change is not repair

no P2p programs

i just set up avast downloading from link

if you dont use a p2p program the shield will not show anything…
if you read your mail on web…the mail shield will not show anything

If you check your email on line (Through your browser) there wouldn’t be any activity in the mail scanner.
If you don’t use IM, there wouldn’t be any activity in the P2P shield.
If you don’t use something, there isn’t going to be any activity.
Nothing wrong but avast! can’t scan something that isn’t used. :slight_smile:

under uninstall it doesnt offer me the option to repair
you need to scroll down... anyway as explained above.....if you dont have a p2p or mail client program, repair will do nada. ;)

ok thanks
i will go and stand in a corner
… but if you laugh TOO loud … i will promise you

very little PC understanding
it said my system was working properly
had no knowledge what the 0/0 meant
it was to me the function was not functioning (possibly)
as i thought it would scan my mail at least before opening it

but there u go

pleased i didnt have to do anything
as i prob would have spent my 61st year short lived

thanks for your patience
wanted to be safe AND sure instead of possibly sorry

… ok … ok il go into corner now

why would we laugh … you are not the first on in here asking this

and we all have a first time with everything