How to uninstall a flawed version of Avast secure browser ?
And how to stop flawed update to be systematic ?

The last update was such a terrible job, i lost everything.
All my personnal information, all my shortcut in homepage except for facebook (who cares ?), and all of my F**KING passwords.

There is no support available and nowhere to obtain anwsers !

Unfortunately I don’t use the ASB (nor Chrome), some might say fortunately for me, so I’m not familiar with their settings. However, my browser of choice is Firefox, this has settings that you can prevent auto update.

I can only assume (dangerous I know) that ASB, chromium based browsers gave a similar option.

Hopefully someone using ASB can respond to your topic.

EDIT: This really should be in the Avast Secure Browser for Windows sub-forum, hopefully a moderator can move it.

If you have a problem, why not post it in the proper forum section,
There’s quite a bit of help offered in that section of the forum.
You do have to ask.
I’m on the latest version and haven’t had any problems.
All my information is in takt.
Post your question and problem in that forum and allow someone to try to address your problem.