Curious, Are the Sbortcut Key combination that deletes Browsing Data on Demand in ASB??
I’ve tried ctrl/alt/Delete however does not offer up the proper result (Delete Browsing Privacy Data)
I realize one can go into Setting and choose Privacy Cleaner but I’d prefer shortcut Key/s
Assuming ASB will be similar to Chrome the try ctrl/shift/delete should work, this is also the same for some other browsers. Even the latest Firefox version, see attached image.
Ctrl/alt/delete is related to shutting down your computer if my memory isn’t playing tricks.
That’s the problem with a busy forum information frequently gets list in the mist ( especially with older posts 23 October 2015, 14:13:35) and with time the layout changes, but you still have a lot of choice on what to keep and what to get rid of.
Well actually Bob I hate to admit it but I had (Brain fart) in my mind that the delete Browser data key combination was ctrl+alt+delete… when it’s ctrl+shift+delete as David pointed out.
In actual fact I’ve known that for a long time :
That Brain fart thing ;D