ShortCut Virus AntiUSBWorm


I have some kind of shortcut virus from my USB.

I tried to take some of the first steps laid out on the forum (i.e. Malware Bytes, FRST64, McShield, etc.) But I have been unsuccessful in the installation. With Malwarde Bytes and McShield when I tried to run the executable I got the below error message:

"Common Language Runtime Debugging …

Application has generated an exception that could not be handled.

Process id=0xefa1f7 (15704567), Thread id=0xefd35 (15682869).

Click OK to terminate the application.
Click CANCEL to debug the application."

And with FRST64.exe the application window pops up for a split second but then disappears.

Not sure what kind of problem it is that I’m running into.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


Attach the logs you have. Essexboy will be online tomorrow and assist you

Could you try FRST from safe mode