I have Dell laptop, Windows 7, 64 bit, Avast Internet Security.
Should Avast IS or Avast Free work in Safe Mode or Safe Mode with Networking? I tried both and I get ‘‘UI failed to load. This is really embarrassing. AV service is not responding’’ And it gives 2 clickable options - Exit and Restart Service.
Clicking the Exit option does close it. Clicking Restart Service just brings the same thing back.
I’ve uninstalled using Avast clear, then reinstalled more than once.
When I bring up either version of Avast in regular mode it does come up as it should, but my arrow/mouse is stuck, so I can’t navigate to click on anything to get a scan started.
I’ve run adwcleaner and Malwarebytes anti-malware, all clean.
In the scan option settings you will see the option for Boot Scan. It runs in your basic DOS like screen and runs automatically upon reboot. No need for mouse input.
I’ve run a boot scan in the past, before the arrow/mouse was stuck.
But when Avast comes up it is on the Status page. Since the arrow/mouse is stuck I can’t click to open the Protection page. Which leads to the Antivirus scan options.