Should I be concerned about these two messages?

I ran a Full Scan overnight. The scan log showed one trojan, which I moved to the Virus Vault.

It also flagged two separate groups of files with different messages. The first group was AVI files, the second groups was DLLs.

I have many AVI files on my computer but a small subset of them was flagged. Each AVI file has the following message: Error: Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service. (1450). What does this message mean and why were only a few of the many AVI files singled out for this message?

The other group of files flagged was some DLLs, all of which seem to belong to Avast itself. All of them were found in c:\program files\avast software\avast\defs\12052200. The specific DLLs were algo.dll, aswcmnbs.dll, aswcmnis.dll, aswcmnos.dll, aswengin.dll, aswfidb.dll, aswrep.dll, and aswscon.dll. In each case, the message is: Error The System cannot find the path specified (3). In checking the hard drive, I see that the subdirectory 12052200 doesn’t exist at all so the message is accurate but why is Avast looking there in the first place? Is Avast misintalled on my system? Do I need to do something to keep the DLL messages from coming up?

I would stick with your first topic as this is all related to the same issue,

Re the avast dlls - Nothing to worry about, those are are files in old virus definitions folders and avast is doing some housecleaning to keep the size used on the hard disk to a minimum. This just happens to have occurred between the time you started the scan and it reaching that old defs folder.

Sorry for starting a new thread then. I’ve been criticized on other boards when I had side issues and left them in the same thread.

I’m glad to heard the DLLs aren’t a problem!

The first item that I successfully posted today was a complaint about a major design flaw in the forum interface. (If you guess the Captcha wrong, your entire post is blanked out.) It was there for a few minutes, now it’s gone. Has it been moved to another forum? Or did I upset an administrator who then deleted it? Other boards I’ve used will identify posts that were moved to different forums in the orignal forum but I don’t see anything like that here. I’m not sure how to monitor comments on my remarks if I can’t find them…

You can click the Notify button at the bottom of the topics, but I though that the default action (in profile settings) was to notify you of topics that either create or participate in.

That said, at the top of every page (once you have logged in) is a very handy link, “Show new replies to your posts” this will essentially achieve the same without the email notifications.

Thanks, DavidR. I stumbled on the link you mentioned moments after posting my question - and found the Design comment as well. Strangely enough, it seemed to still be in the same forum, although I’m certain it was gone at one point.

You’re welcome.