I clicked on a link for adfly from a semi-reputable source (just some deviantart artist trying to make money from their art i suppose) and upon arriving to the site I noticed that it had a bad Avast rating and it appeared to be redirecting like mad. I checked it’s WOT rating and there seems to be Malware reports fairly recently. I use AdBlock Plus and NoScript for every site I’m not familiar with, should I be at all concerned that I may have been infected? I’m also somewhat curious as to why Avast didn’t just blacklist and block it by default.
Until some of our more knowledgeable forum members can arrive to offer their input, may I ask if you are currently experiencing any problems with your computer which lead you to believe you might have a malware infection?
Malvertising to > Ransomware Sacem / Police Nationale
Because of your protection with NoScript it might not be able to infest. Else give us the logs according to http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=53253.0 and one of our qualified removal experts may have a look. But I think you are OK,
Indeed. Since I’ve had NoScript on my machines I’ve almost never experienced an infection that was not a false positive. I assume it even helps in blocking any offsite scripts that may try to load on legitimate sites. I’ve seen to it that the site is in my personal Avast block list, just in case I accidentally click on a link to it again as, sadly, it’s used rather commonly it seems.
I’ve scanned my machine with Super Anti Spyware and an Avast complete scan to no results. Regardless, I think I’ll leave some logs in a bit, if only to make sure the site hasn’t found a way to worm something past my security (unlikely).
As for how the computer is acting, I’d say it seems normal. Nothing abnormal seems to be munching CPU or memory, though my firewall is noticing outbound connections from a PMB.exe, which judging from when it was created on my laptop, it was probably installed alongside League of Legends. It just confuses me that it seems to always be making connections when LoL isn’t running. It seems like a nuisance more than anything bad, I might wanna figure out how to stop it from running at startup.
PC seemed to reboot on it’s own when it was done. Here’s the log (not that it’s all that relevant). Thanks for the help, really don’t like all the junk stores like BB put on the computer, next time I’ll be buying my computer/parts either online or from a local guy.
Board Reader is a site which takes posts from other websites, manipulates searches and uses them to generate traffic. Not sure if it’s anything to worry about it beyond that.
Correction: It does show the site as yellow. It must have glitched out just at the right moment.