Should i delete this?

Im not sure if i should be deleting this
Refering to the screenshot provided

Thanks !

Nope, keep them. They are legitimate items

They are as Eddy said valid entries, and they would only be there if you had Disabled the AV and Firewall checks in the Security Center (dword=0 is off as far as I’m aware). Also changing the Windows Update check not to notify you.

Have you made these changes recently?

If not you should change them back as it is possible that malware could do this for some devious purpose like, to allow it to disable your AV and Firewall without the security center notifying you.

The entries itself are valid but values used by them aren’t.
DWORD 0 (zero) means Security Center won’t notify you if firewall is disabled. Same goes for antivirus and Windows updates.
Unless you disabled those notifications by yourself i’d re-check entire PC with other antiviruses like KAV. This looks more like a worm/trojan activity…