I didn’t expect to get a lot of replies to this so I’ll leave the thread open for another week. hopefully There might be some firewall out there that works on vista and is free. Tech sums up quite well the various options that are out there for Vista users. I read a few reviews (from users) on CNET and one would have to ask: Is it more likely to have the computer crash because of a virus or because of the Firewall?
I realize that this does not really contribute to the main subject but I all but given up on getting a Firewall.
I hope you didn’t loose any important data. This is one of the reasons I don’t really like to tweak around with my computer and “try” different security programs. Think twice and act once. Then again if no one tries then no one knows… this is a conundrum. ;D
Oh well I do hope that there is a firewall out there that won’t crash Vista.
On a different note: I have a question concerning the Network Shield. I have DSL internet and I’m connected to the external Modem/Rooter via a network cable. There aren’t any other computers connected to the modem/rooter. When I open the computer, the connection is already up and everything is working great. I didn’t have to install or setup anything. Vista Auto-detected the connection via it’s network. My issue is that when I look at the Network Scanner (by double clicking on the blue A icon in the taskbar) I see the scan count as 0. I use the internet and everything and still, nothing. The Web Scanner is working but only when I’m browsing. If I shut down the browser I still get some minuscule activity on the network (I use view connection status and look at the upload and download values… fast way of making sure I don’t exceed my bandwidth) in the order of 5-10 Kb once in a while (like every minute). I did countless scans so I know it’s not a virus. But I am not sure what this could mean. That is why I started this thread concerning Firewalls in the first place. Can any one help me out here?
Any info is much appreciated.
Thank you all for posting solutions and suggestions.
So if I get this right, Vista Firewall blocks most or rather all (given that the Network scanner count is always 0, even after considerable web browsing) transfers over that network, which are not authorized (are not part of an exemption rule).
But this leaves the question of why do I see a systematic upload of 5-10 Kb? Is this Vista sending signals to the modem/router?
Thank you or the reply. Can you please tell me your computer specs?
I have Pentium IV with HT (3.2 Ghz) and 2GB of RAM (however My video card takes about 220MB out of it).
Also, i feel I must mention that Vista Ultimate exceeds as well as outperforms Vista Home Basic in functionality and stability .
ashMaiSv.exe:3336 TCP IBMKS1:12119 localhost:1533 ESTABLISHED <== shows avast is connected with TCP Protocol from my system to the Internet
ashMaiSv.exe:3336 TCP ibmks1.no-domain-set.bellcanada:1534 news.grc.com:nntp ESTABLISHED <== shows that I am using Outlook Express to read the GRC newsgroups and avast! is protecting the connection
Its interesting to have it in a window watching the connections coming and going.
I apologize for not replying to your post. I just have a few quick question.
Is TCPView tool shareware or is it something from Microsoft?
Do you run it on Windows XP or Vista?
Again sorry for not replying sooner.
yoKenny, you say: “shows that I am using Outlook Express to read the GRC newsgroups and avast! is protecting the connection”
How can you tell that avast is protecting the link?
Hmh… I thought this will be like a small install. All I did was download and un-ziped then ran the .exe hit accept on the license and then got a huge list of things. What struck me as odd was that a bunch of them were highlighted in red and then disappeared. Did I do something wrong or is that alright?
and just to get this, did it actually install or does it just execute?
I’ve always used Comodo 3 FW on my Vista desktop but choose to uninstall it for suspected conflicts with microsoft updates. Natural second choice is PCTools FW PLUS. It did not last long on my PC. It was more than a virus, impeaching programs to start up and making life impossible with this pc. I had to remove it. Be sure to exit the program before removing it. Reinstalled Comodo3 FW and lSky are back blu and sunny again.