Should I use a firewall program in addition to Avast! Free 6.0.1?

I’ve been using Avast! ever since version 4 and am very satisfied. It’s gotten better and better over time.

I just watched a tech program on CNET that said all you need is one good anti-malware suite rather than having several different anti-malware programs such as an anti-virus program, a firewall program, etc.

So does Avast! Free perform all the security functions that a firewall program such as ZoneAlarm, Comodo, Outpost, etc. do, or should I run both Avast! Free and a firewall program such as ZoneAlarm?


The short answer is yes, as avast free doesn’t have a firewall unless you have the Avast Internet Security (AIS) suite, a paid option.

What you don’t mention is your OS as they all come with a firewall of sorts, XP’s is inbound protection only. Vista and win7 firewall have outbound protection, but it is disabled by default.

That all depends upon your OS. If XP then yes. If Windows 7 then no.

In my personal opinion:

Online Armour
Outpost Firewall Free

OutPost Firewall Free is no longer supported. They replaced that with OutPost Free Security Suite. But then again it depends upon the OS being used.

Do the same folks that manufacture OnLine Armour also manufacture and sell Emsisoft Anti-Malware?

Avast doesn’t seem to like Emsisoft.

When it is in memory AIS identifies it as a virus.

avast FREE is just an AV and dont possess any Firewall. so you need one.

I run the free EAM here without problems. :wink:

me too, no problem with EAM

Emsisoft bought Online Armor (OA) from Mike Nash, the owner of OA. OA itself is still the same firewall, and the OA developers moved over to Emsi and are now working on a new release (a public beta is now available).

Avast and OA have never been a problem. As with any security software, it is recommended that you add each into exclusions.

Thanks to everyone who replied.

I’ve always used a firewall along with Avast! Free and will continue to do so. Just wanted to be sure.

Thanks again! :slight_smile:

You are very welcome. Feel free to come back any time you need help, to learn something new, or just to ask questions. We are here 24/7 for your convenience. Thank you. :slight_smile:

What is your OS?


I have XP Pro SP3 32 bit. The firewall program I use (ZoneAlarm) turns off Microsoft’s firewall.

I’ve tried other firewalls with varying results. I liked Outpost Free, but after a few weeks it shut down and told me my trial period was over. That doesn’t sound “free” to me.

A couple of times a year, ZoneAlarm Pro is given away free by its developer, Checkpoint Software, so why not use the Pro version if they give it away?

Thanks again everybody, you’ve been great!

ZA Free is garbage and is actually no better then Windows Firewall for XP. Your better off with Online Armor,PC Tools or Comodo. OutPost also has a free version. Private Firewall is another free firewall. Take your pick.

Your job here is to help others or seek help if you need it.
It isn’t to insult others peoples judgement or choices.
Zone Alarm if used properly works very well with avast as do the others you mentioned.

Its called advice. Go over to Matousec and see for your self. Better yet try for yourself. I have plenty of times. ZA Pro is good but ZA Free is junk.

Thanks but no thanks. Matousec is not testing firewall functionality at all, he is testing HIPS. Also the ethics of this operation are highly questionable.

So then download the CLT test for yourself. Its that easy. There are plenty of FREE choices which provide better protection then ZA Free. Lets keep the members in secure and up to date. Telling someone that ZA Free is a a good free firewall is misleading.

Why should I do it? These leak tests are useless.