Show ADMN logs


I am new to Avast and it’s product so please excuse me if my question appears a little basic!

I have installed the ADNM on a client Xp domain workstation. I did not want to install it on the Domain controller for a number of reasons… :P. The issue i have is that when i select “show ams logs” from the ADMN console it brings up a blank webpage, (http://[]/$$log$$_emergency).

I suspect it’s the SQL side that has the issues but am unsure were to start fixing it?

Any idea’s…


I cannot recommend installation on XP, for a number of reasons… :slight_smile: Maybe for testing, but not for final installation. And for testing - the better way is trial version of server, instead of XP…
Do you have IIS on your XP Wks installed? Are there necessary hole into XP firewall (if WFw is running)?

Yeah, you shouldn’t have it installed on a workstation, unless it doesn’t have any users and no other programs running. It should be fairly powerful too.

You could test the SQL connection with the AMS tools that were installed with the AMS Server / ADNM Console.

Have you taken a look at the ADNM Administrator’s guide yet?

Thank you both for your swift replies. I was under the impression that it could be installed and function without issue on an XP machine. In the ADMN manual chapter 2.1 it says…• A Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista-based machine with at least 128MB
RAM (512-1024MB recommended); The box it’s running on well exceeds this specification.

On of the main reasons it was installed on a workstation, is that we are intending to remove our domain controller shortly and run our 18 client PC as a workgroup. This is due to the upgrade cost involved to move from our existing win2000 server :cry: to a later version. I know, I know win2k is well past it’s best, but what can you do when your boss wont spend ???

Anyway back to my issue with the logs… Is their anything i can change/check or is it a straight No No to run and be supported on XP.

By the way, all the clients are quite happily connected and update to the AMS. The logs appear to be the only issue i have at the moment! Could it be as simple a to reinstall ;D

Thanks again for your advice.


Shoot, I’d rather keep an old win2k server than to “downgrade” to a workgroup, but to each his own (I still have a 2k server at my house that runs my domain, sadly enough!). I know there have been a lot of Daylight Savings Time issues lately, since win2k doesn’t get updates for them, but there are ways to fix that.

Anyway, you could try a re-install, or maybe just a repair of the ADNM console and see if it helps.

Let us know what you find out.