show trafic history bug

what show trafic history ? :-X


Looks like a problem on your end :

Does this happen every time ?

I don’t have a problem with it on either of my systems winXP Pro and win7.

Try an avast Repair.

This all happened after I exit Game Booster 3

a mi me pasa que no me muestra la gráfica de estadísticas ,aparece acceso denegado ,me pasa cada vez que voy a ver las estadísticas y se vuelve a reiniciar el antivirus

up up up

Did you already follow Dave’s advice…??

Appears he has not, nor has he posted that fact (but incorrectly used the report to mod link).

It amazes me that some users install c**p software and then blame Avast for the problem.

Jhon bienvenido al foro.

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