If I want to disable Avast just for a short time while I run something, how is that done? Do you just go in and stop all the modules?
yes that should do it then after your done downloading the file you can turn it back on.
Why would you want to do that?
When you are downloading then running “something” is exactly the time that you should be protected.
Although this is not recommended, I know this user from another forum and know of her issue and it is most likely to be used for diagnostic purposes / troubleshooting to repair her machine (not Avast-related).
Open the Avast GUI > Trouble shooting > unclick Enable Avast Self-defense module (4th box down). Make sure you enable it again or you have NO antivirus protection!
Although this is not recommended, I know this user from another forum and know of her issue and it is most likely to be used for diagnostic purposes / troubleshooting to repair her machine (not Avast-related).Given that, how about right-click the tray icon, select "avast! shields control", then "disable for 10 minutes" (or as required.) There is a popup to "OK", the AV will stop operating, the Windows security centre should produce a red shield and a balloon tip.
Just be careful out there.
SafeSurf - It is not for diagnostics. It is for installing my NVIDIA driver. Since, as you know, I can’t set a restore point, I have to be very careful and am hoping that installing this driver will help with the other problem.
Thanks for all your replies. I will be using the option of right clicking taskbar icon and disabling for 10 minutes. I am a new user of Avast. I knew I had seen those options somewhere but couldn’t find them. Probably just too rattled over my computer problems. Thanks all!
I know…you have a lot going on. I’ll see you on either forum depending on what issue you have.