Is anyone else having issues with avast preventing Windows shutdown?
I click “shutdown” and avast is preventing my laptop from shutting down.
I still need to hold down the power button for total shutdown.
It’s working fine here using the latest stable version.
Which version you running and have you ran a repair/clean install?
Clean install and a repair.
Here goes another repair.
You are currently seeing windows notification avast as being the program that needs to be closed to proceed with restart or shutdown?
No problems here either (latest beta).
It took another repair. All is good.
Should’ve known better. :-[
Clean install>reboot>repair>reboot>repair>reboot>repair>reboot>shutdown Windows>fixed.
Thanks to all for your input!
You’re welcome.
me too, same problem
reinstalling avast solved the issue for a couple of days
today same problem again