I am having problems with Avast and Windows shutdown.
Most times I shutdown my machine hangs on the ‘Windows is shutting down’ message. Upon reboot, I have to go through Scandisk This does not happen everytime I shut down, although I’d say it happens about 90% of all shutdowns.
This problem has only started happening since Avast was installed. I uninstall it and everything is fine - no problems at all. I have tried repairing Avast as well as reinstalling but the problem persists. I have tried both pausing and stopping provider (via the icon on start bar) before shut down but it makes no difference. I have also applied the windows shutdown patch.
I have tried shuting down from Start/Shutdown, using only my keyboard shortcuts and I even tried a shutdown shortcut (C:\WINDOWS\RUNDLL32 SHELL32.DLL,SHExitWindowsEx 1) but nothing stops the problem I have also left the ‘Windows is shutting down’ screen there for 10 minutes before reboot to see if it would clear in time. Nothing works
I am running Win98 SE with Avast 4.6.603 Home edition, Extreme Toolkit version, Activeskin version and VPS file 0509-3.
Any ideas?