Shy Gadget?

I kept reading about this Avast gadget. Felt left out as I’ve just upgraded to version 6 AvastFree on Win 7 x64 and never got any whiff or hint of any gadget. :cry: Even read the help file again. Right-clicked desktop “gadgets” and the little (well, not so little) beggar popped up. :o Talk about hiding your bushels under a thingammy. ;D

Well, where else would they put the gadget? It’s where all the other gadgets are…

Why did post if you will not give a answer? It is in START > ACCESSORIES>Windows sidebar

Harsh :cry: My point was (badly put perhaps) that there was no mention of a gadget at install or in settings. I only found out by finding threads on this forum. Hey, I like this program. :slight_smile:

First thing

Go to the Desktop and right click on it. Look for the word “Gadgets” in the list. If it is not there then proceed as indicated below. If the word Gadgets is there then stop here and wait for someone else to help you.

If the word Gadgets does not appear when you right click the desktop then proceed as follows.

Go to the Control Panel or alternatively the Windows start up ball. Click

If in Control Panel go to “Programs and Features”. Click on “Turn Windows Features On or Off”.

If you use the Startup ball then type in “Programs and Features”. Then go to “Turn Windows Features On or Off” and click on it.

It will take a bit for the screen to populate.

In either case after the screen populates check to make sure that “Windows Gadget Platform” is checked. If not check it.

Windows Gadgets Platform will then load. It may take a couple of minutes.


Then check C:\Program Files\ and see if there is a folder named “Windows Sidebar”. If there is a folder with that name click on it and verify that you have several folders including “Shared Gadgets” along with about four files located in the Windows Sidebar folder. Open “Shared Gadgets” and check to see if you have a folder named “AswSidebar.gadget”. If you do then go to C:\Program Files (x86) and open it it. Go down to the Windows Sidebar folder and open it. You should see a bunch of Gadgets listed.

If okay on both accounts then exit out and right click on Desktop. You should see the word “Gadgets” in the list. Click on it and you should be good to go.

Hi each. Methinks I’ve triggered a mis-assemblance of unambiguity. I’ll deal with myself severely. :wink:

As was once said … we can know things we know, we can even know things we don’t know; it’s the things we don’t know we don’t know that cause most grief.

Most users with a related OS probably know where to find their gadgets. Unless the user fouls up scripts or disables the service, they are indeed found easily enough.

If average users make a rule of looking for new gadgets on the off-chance, I admire such attention to detail. I don’t normally use them so have no reason to look.

AvastFree 5 didn’t have a gadget. Least-ways I never had one. >:(

AvastFree 6 installed on my system with no mention of one. Not in Settings or Help Center’s new features either. It was only when randomly strolling this forum that I discovered one existed and went looking.

Failing to advertise a new feature is unusual. That’s all I was trying to say, honest. ;D

My absolute last word on Avast’s new gadget. 8)

Everyone (except for you) who complained about the gadget here complained that it was installed and added to the sidebar without asking and that they can’t disable/uninstall it. Your issue is certainly unique.

Hi Qibbler :slight_smile:

It seems I’m the only person that understands what your Saying :wink:

And For The Others…

Qibbler doesn’t have a Problem.
Qibbler isn’t asking for Help.
Qibbler isn’t Complaining.

Qibbler WAS just… Saying!
You know? … Just Commenting ::slight_smile:

The Avast Gadget would normally show up in the Sidebar automatically after installation of Avast 6.
Qibbles Gadget… Didn’t! ( It was being shy and hiding )
Then when Qibbler finally found it… :o ( Qibbler wished he Hadn’t )



;D Clue’s in the name…I can uninstall mine now I’ve found it. Don’t want to. :smiley:

Phew. :smiley:

I see that you now have more than 20 posts which will permit you to update your profile to include signature information.

Go to PROFILE then Modify Profile then Forum Profile Information then Please select your country: then Signature: and put information about your system just like my signature about your system just like my signature so that the helpers can offer pertinent advice and then you won’t have to quibble about the advice. :wink:

Sorry, I was in a bit of a mood last night when I posted my original response. I also thought that after I typed “It’s where all the other gadgets are” that I actually put instructions on where they would be.

Anyway, it’s supposed to be there if you right-click the desktop and click on Desktop Gadgets or whatever it’s called (I can’t remember, I work on XP, Vista, 7, server 2003, server 2008, and SBS versions 2003, 2008, and now 2011 all day) and they’re all a little different with their wording, and all I have at home which is where I’m at now is Win XP and linux.

Sorry for being “harsh”. Again, it should be where the rest of them are, and I’ve read from other posts that if it’s not there, a clean install should get it there. Which means download the uninstall utility from the avast website, uninstall avast, reboot into safe mode, run the uninstall utility, reboot, then install avast again.

Hope that helps.