Sign of "VBS:Malware-gen", false positive?

Dear Sir,
my antivirus AVAST updated today, found a malware in a web page of a website.

This is the log:

14/07/2008 12.55.27 1216032927 SYSTEM 1744 Sign of “VBS:Malware-gen” has been found in “hxxp://” file.

I try with kaspersky and this AV don’t found anything. It’s possibile that is a false positive?

Thank you very much.


For info, this website is managed by be and other persons. I don’t think that somebody place a malware…

This alert compare with IE and Firefox.

Much persons get this alert and email me.
All persons have Avast.

Bye and i’m sorry for my bad english.


I’have try with AVG and don’t found anythink… :frowning:

Indeed a false alarm. We made a detection based on the hacked version of your page, but selected the wrong signature. Will be fixed in the next release.

Dear Kubecj,
thank you very much.

I have charge a new header version and the problem is solved.

The incriminate file is this:

Bye, Max