Signature in profile

How do I add a signature to my profile? There’s a box there in the summary but it won’t let me put anything in it.

You need 20 posts before you can update your Profile.

You need to read this forum before you post advice as there are a lot of experts here that have been here a long time especially about Comodo.

What does that mean?

It means that newbies here have to be trusted and you are not doing a good job so far.

What exactly have I done wrong? I can’t see anything.

Sorry but I don't think I need to "heed" anybody.

Because I committed the Cardinal sin of defending Comodo? lol

No Dch48,
We are all entitled to have our own opinions. We don’t all have to agree as long as we don’t fight about our disagreements. :slight_smile:
Disagreement or differing opinions are healthy.

how is that related to the question he asked here ???

Thank you, I couldn’t agree more.