Signatures update problem

I have a problem with the signatures update.

After trying to update itself avast! shows the red box saying signatures are out of date - and so says the Windows Security Center.

BUT when I update signatures manually avast! tells they’re already up to date! What’s happening here?? Tnx

did you try to repair your installation?

which OS are you using?

This means your avast auto update have some problem. Try the instruction given from onlysomeone or if it doesnt work than uninstall it and reinstall.

Is your system time/date correct?

tnx guys, i’m proud to say Tech’s the man!! lol 8)

I don’t know how but my system time & date was changed to june 8… (wtf???)
already run a scan but shows nothing, seems it could be a CMOS battery failure, i don’t know…

anyway, problem’s solved, tnx again for your kind time =)

obrigado Tech !!!

Tech and DavidR have an amazing knowledge of avast and “how to fix” things.

Probably time for a big thank you for the hours of their personal time they devote to helping us all in this forum so effectively.

Totally agree. Probably most of the “tricks” I’ve learned come from these users, and a few others here.
"Check the time"was my first thought,too, only because I’d seen it posted before.

Thank You.

absolutely! :slight_smile:

Couldn’t agree more.

Thanks guys :-[ :-[

I wouldn’t do it if the avast community wasn’t what it was, but thanks very much :-[

There are many others as deserving of thanks for the work/time they put in on the forums, not only Alan the originator of the thanks but those who do invaluable work cleaning systems like Essexboy, oldman, mauserme to name just a few.

I think we are all for a common purpose to help other avast users get the bast out of avast.