From one day to another, trying to sign in on a remote site failed. Avast responded by “Avast heeft de toegang tot geblokkeerd omdat het servercertificaat is ingetrokken”, which is in Dutch if you not already noticed [ Avast blocked the connection due to a revoked server certificate ]. This site is my remote desktop on which I can work during the Covid threat. NB: yesterday all was in order.
Update: I reinstalled the citrix reciever and managed to connect via Chrome standard. Via Avast Secure Browser still no response. How and where can I resolve this issue?
Please post your Diagnostic Information output. You can get it by visiting this link: secure://settings/diagnosticInfo
For problems with Bank Mode, also attach szb.log which is located here: C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avast\log
Seems that something has changed serverside also. Logging on is possible again, also via Avast Secure Browser.
Thx for giving my question some attention.