Silent installation doesnt work?


I’m installing Avast pro unattended with my xp installation.

Everything is ok except it seems that some registry entries points to “D:\Avast4Pro…” instead of “D:\Avast4Pro…” so when starting Avast I get errors like “Cannot find file://D:\Avast4Pro\ENGLISH\Enhanced.html”

Here is the firsts lines of the Admin.ini file created for silent installation:


Should the “Path=%PRGFILES%\Avast4Pro” line be “Path=%PRGFILES%Avast4Pro” to prevent the double slash??


I’m not at my XP system right now… Could you wait untill tomorrow? I have tried the silent installation some months ago and everything works fine.
Although, what is your %PRGFILES% folder?
Are you installing avast! on the second partition of the HDD? ::slight_smile:

I have partitionned my HD into (at least) tree:
C: is for windows
D: is for Program files
E: is for personnal data

During XP installation, I tell windows to look on “D:” for programfiles (indeed, I use an winnt.sif for unattended installation of xp, containing those lines:


So now the registry entry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ProgramFilesDir and the environment variable %PROGRAMFILES% points to “D:”

Any ideas?

thanks :slight_smile:

You can edit that Registry key to your ‘really’ program files folder (I suppose, D:\Program files). If it is correct, I mean, the root of the second partition, you can try adding a slash after D:, you will have: D:\

You can use a Tweak program for it too:
Tweak UI or Tweak UI XP.

But, I think could be a problem if avast! is installed at other partition that the primary one… I’m not sure. :-\

The double-backslash appeared in registry when your %PRGFILES% was D: ? ???
Or did you change it from D:\ to D: afterwards?

Btw, I think it’s not a good idea do have their D:, without the backslash. If avast! appends another backslash in this case, then it’s a bug and will be fixed.


Here is a registry entry I use to install all my program to the D:\ drive (that way, I can wipe out windows and keep my program’s configuration):


When I open a setup file, it ask me to install the application in “D:<application name>”

Maybe I could try to change “D:” to "D:" but that would need some testing…

But why should I have problem if the path misses a ""? I could understand my problem if I’ve put "D:" and avast just add “\Avast” to the path, so it ends up with “D:\Avast”… But the reg key is “D:” so even if avast add “\Avast” to this, its just one ""!

Or maybe windows adds a "" itself to the reg key? I’m not a developper so I don’t know the avast’s and windows’ behavior…

Btw, I think it’s not a good idea do have their D:, without the backslash. If avast! appends another backslash in this case, then it’s a bug and will be fixed.

I'll try setting the key to "D:\" and post the results later....


I believe it can solve your problems with avast! for now - I was just trying to say that it may cause problems with other applications. I may be wrong, of course - I just think that “D:” often means “the current directory on drive D:”, not necessarily “root of drive D:”.
The problem with double-backslash should be fixed inside avast! itself.

I can see this… but I don’t understand why avast then adds 2 ""!
I could understand the error if avast had errors trying to install in “D:Avast”…

I’ll go check right now the registry change… givie me half an hour ill post back…

Ok, I changed the key to "D:" and I get the same error…:frowning:

Ok, I was able to install things silently with no errors!! :slight_smile:

the reg key is set to "D:" and I had to change the “Admin.ini” like this:

[Admin] SilentInstallation=0 VerySilentInstallation=1 Path=%PRGFILES%Avast4Pro Serial=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX NoReboot=1 AskForReboot=0 Reboot=no SvcAccount= SvcPassword=c ScheduleBoottimeScan=0 [Admin.upd] SilentInstallation=0 VerySilentInstallation=1 Path=%PRGFILES%Avast4Pro ...
I removed, from those 2 path, the "\" and avast now launch normaly...

I’ll try using the “D:” key instead of "D:"…

I changed my key to “D:” and installed silently using Path=%PRGFILES%Avast4Pro instead of Path=%PRGFILES%\Avast4Pro and everyting works fine…

So the problem is definitly with avast creating/interpreting the Admin.ini file…:frowning:

By the way, am I the only one using silent installation??? :slight_smile:

No, you’re not. When I have to uninstall/install avast! (which, now, is not so frequently ;D), I use the silent installation. I used a lot in the near past, when I install more than one language of avast! :wink:
Oh, I forgot to say, that the admin.ini file works fine for me with default %PRGFILES% of Windows.

Silent installations rocks :slight_smile:

Could you try this one Technical?

Change this key:

(if you have a second partition…)
And try to install avast silently…

Right now no… :cry: Sorry.
I do not have a computer to mess my avast! installation right now ;D Although, I have four partitions in my HDD.

thanks anyway :slight_smile:

I believe some people use it, but most of them have the default value of Program Files folder.
As I said - the problem will be fixed in the next avast! update.

thanx igor :slight_smile:

continue your great work :slight_smile:


I’m using the new v4.1.396 and still have the same problem…

I’ve try setting “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ProgramFilesDir” to “D:” and "D:" and I get errors with both (?)…

Here are some screen shots. Those errors are all generated on the same run of avast…

  1. Running avast will get me this…
  2. …then this…
  3. This one is freezed like this until i end it via taskmanager
  4. In avast (enhanced), if I select “News” I get this.
  5. When I close avast I get this one…

Avast is looking for files in D:\Avast… the problem is still their :frowning:

Sorry, forgot the picture :smiley: