I’ve configured my e-mail preferences to run silently but I can’t find a way of doing that for files I receive from MSN Messenger. Seems I have to allow Avast! to check my memory after every file and then I end up in the console and have to handle that. Is there no way to automate the process??
E-mails back to me would be great. I (also) haven’t found a way to search the forums here.
Don’t you have the page ‘Virus’ at that provider settings into the Professional version? Should be there.
You don’t need to use ashQuick.exe to scan every file of MSN Messeger, the IM provider should do it.
There is a Search button at the top of every page.
You can also Click the Profile button also at the top of each page and modify your settings so that you are automatically send an email for replies to threads you either create or participate in.
Generally people won’t email you an answer or solution as that doesn’t help people with a similar problem who have found the forum search function ;D