Silent mode for Outlook

With lots of email viruses floating around now and getting several per day, I’d like to know if there is a silent mode for Outlook so as to not pop-up a window everytime Avast finds a virus attached in an email. This option is found in the other modes but not for Outlook. Am I overlooking something?


yes but is in pro version
u can choose the action!
for example repair and delete

How about a silent mode for Outlook Express? It doesn’t appear as if the Professional version has a silent option. Or if it does, please tell me where to find it!

Start the Enhanced User Interface and select the resident task you are using (probably the default one). Now, edit it (you’ll get two messageboxes saying that you’re editing the running default resident taks). Be sure to have “Advanced configuration” in the bottom left corner checked.
Now, you can specify the desired action on the Virus page of the Internet Mail provider.

I started the Enhanced Interface program, checked the Advanced Configuration checkbox for Resident Task (which I hope is the right one), and deleted the action and then set If Failed to Delete. Still, I get a popup window (“Suspicious Message”) on every incoming virus message for Outlook Express. I want them to just be deleted without bothering me.

So, in the Internet Mail provider, on the page Virus - what actions do you have in the list? Only “delete file”?

Anyway, I thought you were talking about the virus warning, not this “Suspicious message”, which is due to the heuristics. You may try to lower the heuristic sensitivity settings, but I’m afraid that’s not exactly what you want…

Actually I think it is what he wants. Mail heuristics is by definition interactive (i.e. it needs response from the user) so to get rid of the Suspicious Message warnings, you need to disable the heuristics…

The heuristic is working fine - it properly detects a virus in email. The problem is that I want the action taken to be a delete, not to be bothered with confirming it.

Maybe, this is a good suggestion for new versions: a non-interactive action for Heuristics… :wink: