Silent Mode

How do I make Avast automatically delete attachments that have viruses without asking me? Sometimes I may have 15 viruses at one time and don’t want to go through and click delete on each email. I tried going in the on access scanner and resident tasks settings and setting it to unconditionally delete but I still get a popup for each email.

If you use MS Outlook (not Express) you have to set “discard it unconditionally” at Outlook/Exchange->Inbound Mail page in “Resident protection” task, if you use another mail program you have to set “delete file” at Internet Mail->Virus page.

That is exactly what I did. I then restarted Outlook 2000 and the scanner but it still pops up for every email that contains a virus. When I go back in under Outlook and inbound mail, it stays selected for “discard it unconditionally.” I can’t get the warnings to stop coming up. Has anybody else had this problem?