I’m trying to figure out just how to make AVAST 4 Home to update it’s virus definitions and program files automaticaly, but silently.
I now changed the iAVS to iAVS: DO NOT SHOW UPDATE STATUS
Will that then stop the blue window comming up at the bottom and telling me “virus definitions have been updated”? What does the show icon in system tray do…because by defualt, the avast icon spins whenever it’s loading updates anyway right?
But I still don’t know what the right settings are for a complete silent update without it telling me/showing me virus definitions have been updated? ???
Steele, if suppressing the small blue info window in the notification area of your desktop is what you want, then you’ll have to dig lil’ deeper. Namely, you’ll have to add the following line
to the [AAVM] section of file \data\avast4.ini.
Then restart the avast service (Control Panel → Administrative Tools → Services) for the changes to take effect.
Steele, maybe I can jump in with a “sort-of” answer to your last question. The change you’re making is awkward probably because it’s an unusual choice.
Most of us probably do want to know if the update has been done (or for some reason failed), so that we then know we might want to try a manual update.
I understand it may seem to be an unusual choice to you guys… but it’s because I’m installing AVAST4 Home on a family PC… and I just didn’t want the program to pop up a Window saying virus definition files have been updated, while their in the middle of a full screen game, or video or something… that’s all my intent was?.. :-\
…ummmm… I guess I don’t understand then what a silent update is in the options menu of AVAST4 Home if they still let the user know that the definition file/program has been updated?
I just saw the option within the program interface and wanted to try it out as I thought many other people did it too? I guess not? Maybe it’s something different than what I’m thinking.
For my own computer… I would like to leave everything at it’s default settings, so that I may be notified of updates.
Oh well. Maybe I’ll consider removing that edit I preformed on the AVAST4.ini file… ? I just thought it was an option you could change “WITHIN” the silent update window of AVAST4 Home.