Silver Bullet (AntiVampire)- what is it?

I am kinda confused with the silver bullet thingy… I’ve read on the official FB account of Avast that the new antivirus has Antivampire…

here’s an excerpt from Facebok:

“Antivirus, antispyware, antirootkit… and now also “ANTIVAMPIRE“ protection. :slight_smile: avast! called the “silver bullet“ against viruses and other threats. :)”

Link to the Article:

Please enlighten me coz I am so confused… ??? ??? ???

You shouldn’t take this literally. :wink:

i know. you’re making me laugh.

why not try elaborating it instead?

  1. Good. :slight_smile:
  2. Well, ok. Silver bullets won’t work on vampires but on werewolves. ;D

Indeed, wooden stake is needed for vampires :stuck_out_tongue:

Not sure if this has been fully answered or addressed, or if the user asking the question was kidding. However, language is one of my fortes, if I do say myself though. A silver bullet is a metaphor for any straightforward solution thought to be extremely effective against problems when ordinary weaponry and combat methods fail.

In this case, avast! being the silver bullet means that it is being marketed as a product that will do the trick and fix your computer, in simplest terms.


OK - let me explain you everything about the silver bullet shield.

The author of the original article is Mr.Mihai Matei ( that`s a romanian name).As you all probably know Romania is the land of vampires and werewolves.In these days the vampires are a lot more than blood sucking creatures, they also sneak into your computer and suck out sensitive data. So, the Avast team offers - only for romanian customers - the absolute brilliant “Silver Bullet Shield” for protection against vampire online theft.

Thank you Avast for the good product.

Greetings from Transilvania to all Avast users.

Stop beating around the bush. It takes a wise man to admit that he’s dumb for 5 minutes than to be nonsensical for a lifettime. Thanks for the effort anyway.

First of all my nick is not ‘Idiot’ and I am serious about the question. I do not know everything and i am willing to be educated by a lamb than somebody who was defeated by persian army and denied that he wasn’t.

“Antivirus, antispyware, antirootkit… and now also “ANTIVAMPIRE“ protection.” - I thought it’s another feature of avast basing it on the statement. It’s something unclear to me thus seeking clarifications.

Thank you Bogdan. ;D

You can used a Silver bullets or any kind bullets against a vampires just mark a cross on the nose of the bullet and place some bullets in holy water and than rub some garlic on the bullet and finally shoot’em straight in the heart and the job is done :wink:

Unless is not completely B*** S**T ;D

LOL nice one :smiley:
Now I understand it better :stuck_out_tongue: