Why does a privacy policy have to be so complicated, that after reading it, you don’t know what you have read?
Why can’t it be simple, like this?
DuckDuckGo does not collect or share personal information. That is our privacy policy in a nutshell. The rest of this page tries to explain why you should care.
Well, why are these users not going here and they can read what they like to read: http://www.scroogled.com/
They can even see the video, in the hope they won’t come back here…
Google Search Competitor DuckDuckGo Got Record Traffic Following The PRISM Revelations
Business InsiderBy Megan Rose Dickey
1 hour 58 minutes ago
Search engine DuckDuckGo saw a record number of searches this week, according to VentureBeat.
On Thursday, DuckDuckGo clocked 2.5 million search queries, a 33% increase over last Thursday. On Wednesday, users made 2.35 million search queries.
With news of the PRISM program, people seem to be becoming more skeptical of the services they use on the Internet, and how secure their information is.
DuckDuckGo doesn’t track your clicks across the Web, unlike Google. So if the government were to come knocking on DuckDuckGo’s doors, seeking information, they would have no way to tie that information to individual users.