simple question, i hope it can be a simple answer.

i have had this promblem 3 or maybe 4 month. i have to dubble click most of my desktop icons 2 times in order for them to open. it started with just these 3 icon’s. Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware, AntiSuperSpyware, and HJ this. now some times when my husband click the IE 7 he has to double click it 2 times like i had to do the others. can you think of what may cause this?

Did it just start after functioning normally? If you’ve changed any of your mouse settings lately that might be causing it. If the click speed has been changed to something you’re not used to that might cause it. You can change your mouse click from double click to single click. Just go to Control Panel>Folder Options>General then select “Single clik to open an item.” You might try that. If it fixes it then you’ll know it has something to do with the mouse’s double click settings. Also, if you move the mouse even slightly when you’re clicking that will cause it to not work.

i have done that on other computers changing the mouse settings but not on this one. i do not think sense this started that i have changed any setting on the computer. i will thing on that awhile
i just now did this.
unable to connect to the Synaptics pointing device driver.

if you have installed another PS/2 pointing device driver please uninstall the synaptics driver by clicking on the yes button. you then need to reinstall your pointing device device driver for your external device again.

do you want to unstall the synaptics driver now?

we have had this computer about a year. my husband and i share the computer.
he had a wirerless {spelling is wrong} mouse. he did not unstall the other mouse he just plug in the wireless mouse and we have been using it for about a year. i don’t know if that is hard on the computer or not. i guess i need to unstall the mouse that the computer came with. am i right?
thanks Sharon

the last line maybe the problem. I am on a lot of medication and some times my hands shakes quite a bit and they have been changing a couple of them in the last couple of months. I bet that is the answer. thanks Sharon :slight_smile: :wink: :smiley: ;D

Norel is right. But, I’m not sure that you would need to change your settings to open files with a single-click. Chances are that you have your double-click setting too high. Go into your Control Panel and then Mouse settings, and move the slider for Double Click Speed farther to the left until it’s at a place comfortable for you. If you move it too far to the left, you may click twice on icons without intending to “double-click” them and accidentally open things you didn’t want to.

I can right now check where the mouse is set and then get back to every one.
thanks Sharon

I should have re-red this because it did it again come up with this.

i just now did this.
unable to connect to the Synaptics pointing device driver.

if you have installed another PS/2 pointing device driver please uninstall the synaptics driver by clicking on the yes button. you then need to reinstall your pointing device device driver for your external device again.

do you want to unstall the synaptics driver now?

does this mean I need to unstall the synaptic driver.
thanks Sharon

I’ve had that happen to my laptop before. I’m not sure why exactly, but here’s what I’d suggest you do:

  1. Firstly… POWERCYCLE. Shut down your computer (not Standby or Hibernate,) and turn it back on again after a few seconds. Computers are finicky sometimes, and most problems can be solved merely by powercycling. I myself fixed a problem today when my laptop came out of Standby and wouldn’t obtain a proper IP address from my wireless router… I turned my laptop off and on again, and yay it works fine.

  2. The Synaptics Pointing Device Driver is the driver for your laptop’s touchpad. Does your touchpad work properly? I have a Toshiba Satellite L305, and Toshiba’s Synaptics touchpad driver has an option in the mouse settings to DISABLE the Touchpad when I plug in my USB mouse (The drivers from Synaptics’ website don’t have that option, for some reason.)

I want it to do that, but there’s a checkbox where that feature can be enabled/disabled in my mouse settings… which leads to:

  1. Does the error you mentioned come up in a window or does it pop up as a tooltip from your System Tray? I know that when my USB mouse is plugged in, the Touchpad icon in my system tray (if I have it displayed) has a big red X in it, because of the previously mentioned setting. Does the error come up when you plug in your external mouse?

Personally, my money is on powercycling. I bet that fixes it. If not, and you want to reinstall your touchpad drivers, do so from your Laptop manufacturer’s site not from Synaptics.

i can not go into my setting because of what my post above says. i have fixed certain problems but shutting it down and restarting it. i never put it in Standby or Hibernate and yes the mouse in the computer works fine and so does the wireless mouse. other then having to click on the icons with to different double click. i thing it is just some times like i said above some times my hands shake some and i thing that it the reason i am having to bubble click twice. my husband says he don’t have that trouble, but he only click on IE 7 to surf the net I do all the rest of the computer.
thanks for helping.

i click post before i used the the spelling check sorry

No one is going to worry about spelling mistakes and the forums spell check is slow. Firefox (if you use that) has add-ons for spell checking I use one that detects spelling mistakes as you type and highlights the word, see image. I’m sure there would be a corresponding US English Dictionary version.

    thanks for your kindness but if I don't correct as many mistakes as I can it makes it harder for people to understand what I write. some times  I need to spell the word like its sounds and put these beside it {} because the spelling is so bad that the spelling check can't even help me I just use the one here or copy paste it in my main mail and use the spelling check there. now back to the topic because we all know in the post we need to keep it on the subjest or we may loose track of question. 

     some times we turn the computer off at night & some times we don't. last night we did. when the computer started it took a good 5 to 8 min. long to turn all the way on I hope that does not mean another problem may be comming. if it is can some one tell me and I will start a new topic the wireless mouse did not not work, but  I restarted the computer and now it is working. I think that if the mouse would have been on 1st before I started it the 1st times it would have work right the 1st time. this time when it started  it came on a bit faster but did not come on as quick as to normanally does.

       this was in one of the post above.    I want it to do that, but there's a checkbox where that feature can be enabled/disabled in my mouse settings... which leads to:

         when I figure out how to get past the message that I wrote in one of the earlier posts I will just disable the mouse.   when I was trying to explane this to my husband he said he did not want me to unstall it. sense we both use the same computer now. most times we have to agree on what is to be installed or unstall. I do get tired of hearing why this and why this or that and try to explane some thing to him that i am not even sure why it has to be a certain way. some times i can get away i am not sure why but have been told this is the only it can be done and this was told to me by this teg or you can read this because i can't explane it. most times he don't read any of it. but if some thing goes wrong i am the one that cause the trouble in less i can explane what happen and why.95% of the time we don't get into a word fight {can't spell are-u-ment} over any of the computer trouble.

thanks for every one help!!! Sharon