Simple Update Question

So, it seems that there is more than one way to update avast!

  1. blue pop-up
  2. right click on tray tool
  3. summary>current status
  4. maintenance
  5. programs and features
  6. something I haven’t discovered yet?

Which is the recommended way to update? (least glitch potential)
(BTW, I have windows 7x64, if that has any bearing on the answer)

Thanks in advance for answering this simpleton. ~Nom

[Also, IF anyone knows the date of the next expected update, I’d much like to know. Thankyou]

The best way to update is to enable automatic updates.

Oh. Shucks.
I don’t like to do it that way because I like to peek in the forums and see if a glitch happened to others before I follow suit.
I’ve been glitched twice now. Nothing major. I’m still hesitant to update to this version, but I may anyway, via blue pop-up.

Thanks anywho!

Sorry to be a bother over such a minute querry. ~Nom

If your talking about program updates then you will have to monitor the forum for those as there released every few months or more, best to set program updates to ask ( default ) and vps updates to auto.

Thankyou craigb,

That’s what I have done. I do check in on the forums typically too.

It’s hard to track the conflicts of others when I’m not able to visit the forums in a timely manner following an update.
I still have version 7.0.1456; I may wait until the next version to update; I like to update everything together-ish.

Thanks and Cheers!


Your welcome :slight_smile:

7.0.1466 is a good release so it would be wise to update to the newer version.

OK, TY; I’ll do it first thing the next time I turn my computer on. G’night and Cheers! ~Nom

NP’s and Goodnight :slight_smile: