Simple User Interface Updating

Nothing major but… When the VRDB runs both the advanced and simple interfaces show the latest date of the run. When an On-Demand scan is carried out in the advanced interface, the simple interface is not updated with date of last scan and vice-versa. Surely both should recognise the date of last scan and update both accordingly. :wink:

Make sense… Is it a bug? :wink:

hahaha…maybe it really is a bug… ;D ;D

Well… date of last scan in the Simple UI is only updated when a full scan is performed thru Simple UI. That’s correct…

The reason is that in the Enhanced UI it’s difficult to decide whether the scan was really full or not – i.e. to check if the scanning task covered everything it should to qualify for a full scan

In short: it’s not a bug, it’s a feature… :stuck_out_tongue: