Since I updated I can no longer connect to my network - help?

OK, I have Windows 7. I did everything as instructed. I now see the extensions (thank you!), tried to direct the program to open as before, and I now get :
error 28011 : Windows 64-bit is not supported by Cisco Systems VPN CLient" :-[
Sorry everyone, but I keep hitting stone walls.
I have to leave the office and won’t be back until tomorrow, but I do have gotomypc and can try any other suggestions later on from home, if possible.

Thanks once again…

64 bit link

OK, it seems when I downloaded this file it opened and installed by itself. I rebooted and I can still see all the PC’s on my network but I cannot connect to any. THe message comes up that the path cannot be found when I try to map my network. My pc still recognizes the network, sees all the other computers and I can even hit the internet through the network (as I am doing now), but I cannot connect to the server or the other pc I need to do my work at my desk.
What do I do next?

More info that might help…
In control Panel \ network and internet \ network map, I can hover over each pc and see the info about them (name and 4 lines of different addresses). I can right click and try to open, connect with remote connection or create a shortcut, but when I try to connect the message comes up: “Windows cannot access [\server …], check connection, etc…”
So I can se the entire netwoek but I cannot seem to access or connect to any of the pc’s needed.

Did you set AIS firewall as shown previously

Hmmm, not really sure exactly what you mean… I did run frst again after successful install of the Cisco Systems progran for VPNclient. It generated the attached fix log. I hope that’s what you mean ;D .


Ok under setting > active protection > firewall
Do you have the settings as per the screenshot

Well now it gets weird…
Under “Settings” / “Tools” my Firewall shows as ‘on’, I customize it, hit ‘ok’, then go back and the customizing (checking off the 3 boxes) doesn’t hold.

I f I go under “Tools” / “Firewall”, it is asking if I want to set up the firewall for my network. If I try to turn on the firewall in this screen, it says “unable to start Firewall!”

Under “Settings” / “Active Protection” it show the firewall to be off, and will not allow me to turn it on; also resetting the customize window does not hold the check off boxes.


OK first I would suggest that you repair Avast to try and cure the firewall problem

Go to Control Panel > Programs and Features
Select Avast and on the menu select repair
Follow the prompts and reboot on completion.

Then reset the firewall settings

OK, I did reset the firewall after the Avast repair, and everything there seems to be fine now.
Unfortunately I checked and still cannot connect to any of the PC’s in the network.
I assume there is a next step? ;D

OK this actually appears to be a windows problem … There are several fixes here which may help

Thanks for your help. Apparently something in Windows changed then, when I updated Avast . I somehow do not have a “restore” point so I have to try and figure out the issue. Based on your link it appears I am not alone with this issue! Unfortunately the fixes I am reading are like Latin to me… I’ll have to call someone in and see if they can figure this out. I’ve been without a connection to the server all week and I am running back and forth using another PC that is linked. It’s getting tiring but I am getting lots of exercise lol!
I’ll report back when I get this squared away. Thanks for clarifying that the issue is not Avast at the moment, and pointing me in the right direction.

Sorry I could not be of more help

You did what you could and I really appreciate it, thanks again. I will try and get this fixed but my other option my very well be to let the PC update to windows 10 and hope that with the new version my problem gets fixed. I am concerned bcause all the other PC’s in the office are running Windows 7 XP, and I want to maintain compatibility. I don’t think that will present as a problem though… at least I hope not!
Thanks again for your time and all the efforts you and the others have spent trying to help.

Check and be sure the “Client For Microsoft Networks” is installed. It should be listed under the Network Adapter Settings
If it is not, you need to reinstall it. More information is here:

I installed WIndows 10 this morning. I still cannot connect to my network even though the computer sees all the PC’s in the network, including the server, but not able to read any info on it or connect (as it has been from the beginning).
Is there possibly a hardware issue here?

In bruce_b’s instructions, I am unclear how to proceed. Can someone give me a step by step menu using Windows 10 to see if I can locate this “Microsoft Networks” installation or the Network adaptor settings? I am a lunkhead when we get beyond basics!

BTW, the instructions in the link sent by bruce_b pertain to windows 95. I cannot find the same ‘wording’ in Windows 7, and now I have updated to Windows 10.
Also, my network is hardwired, not remote or wireless. All other PC’s in the network are accessing the server. As mentioned my pc says it has network acces, and I can use the internet through the network; also I can “see” all other pc’s o the network, including the server. I just can’t connect! wah wah wah! :wink:

Instructions are in the link in my post above.

Add or remove a network protocol, service, or client
Applies to Windows Vista

TCP/IP is automatically installed with Windows, but you can add other protocols, services, or clients. You don’t need to install any of these unless you’ve purchased a specific product or you work in a network environment that requires it. When you install a protocol, service, or client, it is installed for all of your connections.

Open Network Connections by clicking the Start button Picture of the Start button, clicking Control Panel, clicking Network and Internet, clicking Network and Sharing Center, and then clicking Manage network connections.

Right-click a local area connection, and then click Properties. Administrator permission required If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.

Click Install.

In the Select Network Feature Type dialog box, do one of the following:

    To install a client, click Client, and then click Add.

    To install a service, click Service, and then click Add.

    To install a protocol, click Protocol, and then click Add.

In the dialog box that appears, select the item that you want to add, and then click OK.

Thank you bruce_b,
I got to the right area, but there is nothing listed to add for Client, Service or Protocol.
Client for Microsoft Networks box IS checked off.
Not sure if there is anything more I can do from this end, unless you can suggest anything else… besides my thought of crushing the pc with an 18 wheeler.

Only other thing you can do is check that your Network Connection is set to Auto DHCP and Auto DNS … be sure it is not being routed through a Proxy

Well folks, this whole problem started after I allowed Avast to update. Within an hour after the update I was no longer able to connect to my server. I have a network in my office that has 13 PC’s, all functioning properly, as mine did before the update. I appreciate all the help offered here, but unfortunately we were unable to correct whatever the problem was. I finally turned to a professional service that I have previously used for setting up my network initially (5 years ago).

The tech worked for 2.5 hours and kept muttering under his breath, “This is a weird one”. as mentioned, my PC was in the network, could see all the other PC’s and even go to the internet. Yet I could not connect with any of them.

The bottom line: Avast WAS the culprit. When I downloaded the update, Avast apparently embedded some sort of firewall ‘code’ that would not allow my PC to talk to any others. It actually also created some sort of block at the server as well. My PC is the only one in the office that runs Avast; the others are not generally used online.
The tech was very good and very nice. He tried to explain to me in english, but even that didn’t help! It took him a few times through to delete all remnants of Avast from my system, and he had to tweak something within the network as well. Eventually after all of Avast was deleted, my PC was able to connect to all other pcs and my server.
Don’t ask me what he actually had to do, I had to leave the office for a lot of his fix. Not sure I would have understood much of it anyway, as when he explained it I only grasped the basics.
I have cancelled my subscription to Avast and I am removing it from my other 2 PC’s at home. What irked me was when I called for tech support from Avast, I found I needed to pay $120-180 dollars to get any help. And that was to clear up an issue Avast created! Using the computer tech, 2 1/2 hours is still a pretty penny. I cannot justify continuing with Avast if it is going to create more issues than what it finds.
When Avast volunteers to pay my bill, and then find out what the h*@l happened, I might consider a return, but I won’t be holding my breath!
Cheers All,