site advisor

is mcafee site advisor compatible with firefox3?does anyone know?

It seems to be, but the little icons sometimes do not show up. If you highlite the URL’s you should be able to see
if the sites are bad or not.

where do i download it from?form thr mcafee site?

Some questions are better asked to [b][u][color=blue]Google.
However, [b][u][color=blue]WOT and [b][u][color=blue]Finjan SecureBrowsing may be more helpful.

Thanks Rumpel

I doesn’t know that Mcafree site advisor has add-on.

SiteAdvisor for Firefox:

Thank Mr. (Ms.?) Google. He/she is quite efficient when we ask “nicely”. ;D

BTW, anybody on these boards can call me Rumpel. :wink: …to be honest, I kinda regret having chosen such a long forum name, which was not a clever move at all. :stuck_out_tongue: Before someone may kindly point this out, I make it clear that I know how to change the forum name but that I’m wondering if I’d rather avoid potential confusion.

Hmmm… :frowning: I wonder if I should have put the link in the direct manner as you did. Some forum members use bold styles to highlight their links just like the link above, too.

wonder if I should have put the link in the direct manner as you did. Some forum members use bold styles to highlight their links just like the link above, too.
I prefer to put the full link in so that users can see where they will be going.

That is also why I don’t use TinyURL.

As the Internet is a vast world I would hate for someone to just say This is kewl and have it drop me in an Iraq brothel with a bottle of my favorite rum in my hand ;D

It is not a link by the way.

Well, sorry for drifting into the off-topic world.

You can hover your mouse to see where the link is ending up. In fact, I unconsciously did it on your bold text. However, as various people use the forum, I value your advice…if my rather short memory doesn’t fail me. :wink:

[Edited]PS I came up with a silly idea. Please, check the link below.
Now I guess this add a reason for people to value addons introduced in this thread. ;D

Well, for sure you wouldn’t want to be called - Rump. ;D
Perhaps you can shorten it to - Rum? :o
My AOL Signature is pretty extended as well. I use part of it as my official Moniker on my Posts there. And that made up moniker is - “Chimiti.” It’s still my official Posts’ Signature. But, while in the beginning I WAS referred to by that, eventually the Posters themselves shortened it to “Chimi” or “Chim.”

Anyway … Rumpel, something else you’d have to consider is that IF you did change to a different NEW official Forum Screen Name, wouldn’t you for sure lose your Full Member Posting status and have to revert back to starting from scratch as a Newbie? But, in case you still want to do it, you could do as the Posters on the AOL Boards do when they change Screen Names. For a certain period, a month or 2, they put in their Signature - “The Poster formerly known as - *******” Whatever their former moniker was.

Somehow, this reminds me of Prince… ;D
O.K. It’s done. I guess I had to do it as quick as possible…before someone comes up with an even crazier idea. :stuck_out_tongue: Sorry for dragging the thread into deadly off-topic area. ;D

[Edited]To my surprise, Google told me Rumpel’s a German version Sesame St. character… :stuck_out_tongue: Which ended up with my avatar. ;D