Site agrostory(dot)com HTML:Script-inf [Susp]

I am creating a separate topic about my site.

I am owner of website agrostory(dot)com, it is secured and legit, but I can’t visit with Avast because ‘‘HTML:Script-inf [Susp] ’’.

According to quttera the site is clean (No Malicious Content Detected!)

Scan date: Dec Thu 2024/12/19 09:03

I sent another report False Positive: e858e55733ee/2024-12-19T05:16:31.115Z

Avast antivirus and databases have been updated.

I downloaded the site (files) and the database in SQL format and checked with the following antiviruses: Avast, ESET online scanner, Trend Micro HouseCall, Malwarebytes.

No problems were found.

Can you give me some technical details: which files (or anything else) exactly are suspicious for the antivirus?

The problem was solved after contacting technical support via Facebook.

#22511150 - Facebook Transfer (Case #2052) - 22511150

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