My site has been blacklisted it is a clean site and actually a fresh install of wordpress was even done. I never had a problem with any of my sites prior to moving over to HostGator. I know it’s shared hosting but am I getting dinged due to others sites with the same IP being dirty? I have submitted the form to remove my site
from the list but no idea how long that takes.
First make that link non-click-through with hxtp or wXw
IP address has been identified as risky by one/more sources
ASN 21844 (ThePlanet) has risk 70.0
Suspicious rep index 50/100
Your WordPress software needs updating: Wordpress internal path: -/home/culpeper/public_html/wp-content/themes/directorypress/index.php
This code should be checked:
culpeperbusinesses dot com/wp-content/themes/directorypress/directorypress/js/_defaults.js suspicious
[suspicious:2] (ipaddr: (script) culpeperbusinesses dot com/wp-content/themes/directorypress/directorypress/js/_defaults.js
status: (referer=culpeperbusinesses dot om/)saved 945 bytes a0d67d4d75ab97212ea74dfe48d8a2345b504b38
info: [decodingLevel=0] found JavaScript
I am running WordPress 3.3.1. which is the newest version
Not sure what you mean by: First make that link non-click-through with hxtp or wXw
And on this “This code should be checked:
culpeperbusinesses dot com/wp-content/themes/directorypress/directorypress/js/_defaults.js suspicious”
Where do I check it?
Also, what if I move the site completely to a different hosting location? I never had this problem when I was using ICDSoft. Exact same site and never ever an issue
what it being blocked for anything (for years)
That IP is questionable and had instances (now dead) of TR/Crypt.XPACK.Gen2 and mdl_zeus v2 drop zone & Trojan-Spy.Win32.Zbot.bcuu on it.
Blacklisted on the Zeustracker IP list: $IPTABLES -A $CHAIN -s -j $ACTION
Use your Word Press security scanner plug-in from here:
and us give back the results. Also consider this info:
But, what can I run on this one? This is an html website no wordpress and again never an issue till I moved to HostGator.
The ASN produces the following sitevet report:
AS Name: THEPLANET-AS - Internet Services, Inc.
IPs allocated: 1532928
Blacklisted URLs: 17708
Or report FP here: to get the blacklisting lifted for your domains.
I think initially your problems came because of that notorious hoster, ASN 21844 and IP . Whenever malware is overdue (not taken down or not longer responsive within a certain time span, and hosted at that IP, blacklisting is a sure result.
Anyway Zeus bot herders are known to comply and migrate their crime-circus elsewhere (called migration),
so you might be a victim of recent activities of others there.
An active zeustracker IP is not easily unblocked…