Site blocker doesn't work


I have the Premier edition of Avast, and the site blocking feature doesn’t work.

I went to Settings → Active Protection → Web Shield → Site Blocking.

I checked “enable site blocking” and typed both and in the box.

I clicked “OK” and restarted the browser, but yet Facebook is accessible as if I didn’t block it.

Please help me…

Try reboot computer after adding … any change?

Having made the changes did you stop and restart the web shield for these settings to take effect ?

Whilst I don’t believe it is completely necessary, it would be worth a shot.

You may wish to add /* at the end of your URLs as the * is a multi-character wildcard and this works for me when I tested it on your https URL.

See attached image, you should get a page like this (note you should see an image where I have circled as I have an add-on that blocks this).