Olá, o site da escola em que trabalho está bloqueado pelo avast, já apagamos todo o conteúdo, criamos novo conteúdo, mudamos de servidor de hospedagem, deixamos sem conteúdo, e mesmo assim continua bloqueado há meses, por favor nos ajudem.
O site é http://www.ceepcascavel.com.br - ele foi infectado há mais de um ano atrás e foi tirado do ar por uns 6 meses para ver se desbloqueava e não adiantou.
Generally, avast detection is accurate in these cases.
Isn’t it an encrypted/obfuscated script or iframe?
Wasn’t the site hacked?
Maybe you could contact its webmaster.
Please, edit the links to not-live ones (change http for hxxp, for instance or add spaces between the url).
Check here how to clean and make a website secure.
The vast majority of malware today is distributed over the web, mostly by means of hacked (otherwise legitimate) sites. The attacker usually injects malicious some scripts into some (or all) pages on the site, waiting for an unsuspecting user to visit the site and possible infect his/her machine.
And this is where avast’s detection capabilities really excel. Its abilities to detect these web-based malicious scripts are second to none, and thanks to the Web Shield and Script Blocking providers, they are used exactly when needed, doing an excellent job stopping the web-based malware right on the entry point.
I am the webdesigner, already deleted all the pages of the site, leaving only the index.html and still continues to block the url and got the site and put in another way and accesses normally also accessing the IP of hosting I can normally access , so I can not for the url (www.temperodoceu.com).
the school site www.ceepcascavel.com.br I can now access, could not before, but my client can not I www.temperodoceu.com, you removed this? awaiting response
Report 2011-07-10 00:36:09 (GMT 1)
Website temperodoceu.com
Domain Hash ba32f0237367278e56a41de66566d1ba
IP Address [SCAN]
IP Hostname sv.vps.com
IP Country US (United States)
AS Number 32475
Detections 0 / 23 (0 %)
Status CLEAN
Pessoal por favor me ajudem!!!
Não sei mais o que fazer, o avast esta detectando meu site como ameaça já removi todos os scripts e o erro continua acontecendo.
Mesmo retirando todo o conteúdo ele ainda aponta como site malicioso. Alguém me ajude!
Personal Please help me!
I do not know what else to do, avast is detecting my site as threat was removed from all scripts and error continue happening.
removing even the entire contents of local elements still points as malicious. Somebody help me! What should I do http://www.pacaembuconstrutora.com.br pair solve the problem? Thanks in advance!