so my friend and me are hosting comunity website (games and stuff) and in last few days users of website started to report that website is fake/unsafe etc. As more and more people reported that website is detected as unsafe by avast i decided to install avast and check where is problem. Soon as i went to my website avast reported problem with my website saying “URL:Mal2”. I didn’t know what that means so i look up and apparently website was blacklisted… So i look on different pages and finally found out which IP is blacklisted. I contacted my host and they said this happened because our website is hosted on shared network (like more websites on same server (i think)) , anyway as i checked there was like 30 pages with same IP and on every page we had same problem… So i requested to change IP with different one so people won’t lose trust in our site. And today we finally got new IP but avast still detect website as unsafe… Any ideas? Bellow are few pages where we made scan on (as i checked what people suggested on avast forums i used same tools to lookup stuff and they look clean for me).
If avast detects that your IP is on a blacklist and you change the IP, avast will check the new IP and when it is not in the blacklist avast will not block it (unless there is another reason for it e.g. malicious content on the site or something like that).
Keep in mind that when you change a IP it is not instantly in the entire internet world.
It wil take some time before all DNS servers have the new information.
Apart from the IP related issues already mentioned earlier in this thread, I’d like to draw your attention to the following existing flaws and vulnerabilities. Retire that vulnerable code, save as a zip file for later reference and update or see whether there is need for a particular vulnerable (sink) code combination, as we discuss here below *.