Hi malware fighters,
This site htxp://www.goosepimplejunction.com/
is hacked in a fashion described here: : http://www.frontpagetalk.com/forums/m_56513/appid_8/p_/mpage_1/key_/tmode_/smode_/s_/tm.htm via htxp://
These pattern is found on various site and is the way these pages are being hacked (pol)
Malware found there:
Threee instances of HTTP Malicious Toolkit IFrame Injection
Location: htxp://www.goosepimplejunction.com/
Location: htxp://www.goosepimplejunction.com/index.html
Location: htxp://www.goosepimplejunction.com/
Follow all of it here: htxp://jsunpack.jeek.org/dec/go?report=30e538fd740839e2c9535e36868e4d38645a2d2b
But the site content will guarantee malcode there, so stay clear of these kind of sites,