Site might be banned, also malcious?

Looked up this site with Check Google Ban Tool (Seo), this can also be helpful to detect possibly suspicious domains:
Looking up Google for ‘nt3latrack dot com’

No results found, attempting a different look-up…

The domain name has a PageRank value of center">Google Home Advertising Programs Business Solutions Privacy & Terms About Google
. The domain name DOES NOT appear to be banned.

The domain name has no records with Google. It is either new or MAY BE banned.
So see what it is: benign?
Bingo suspicious, flagged here:


If we are aware with the black hat seo strategies then no need to bother about the problems like spam or unindexing

URL listed at hpHosts as ATS

[b]ATS - Ad/tracking servers[/b] This classification is assigned for domains being used for advert or tracking purposes