Nosso blog está sendo bloqueado pelo Avast (
Já fiz a varredura por inúmeros sites de busca de script malicioso ou malwares e consta como limpo.
Como posso fazer para retirar da lista negra do Avast. Já repostei como Falso e nada ocorre.
Então quer dizer que mesmo meu site estando limpo um dos que estiverem na hospedagem compartilhada que esteja infectado o meu pertencerá a lista negra?
So to say that even my site is clean, one of which are the shared hosting that is infected my will belong to blacklist?
Eu vou analisar o problema e será submetido para vírus analista
já tem um membro da equipe Avast monitorando o tópico, quando você enviar solicitações,isso duplica,atrapalha e interrompe nosso trabalho.Por favor tenha paciência e em breve ele deve responder
We really need our website be unblock. Every domain that goes as,, and others goes to the same sharing host IP - We asked to our service host (locaweb) to execute a full virus scan into their machines and we got a report that there’s no problem about it.
----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
Known viruses: 4282330
Engine version: 0.99
Scanned directories: 2495
Scanned files: 25316
Infected files: 0
Data scanned: 1646.46 MB
Data read: 3713.91 MB (ratio 0.44:1)
Time: 403.635 sec (6 m 43 s)
I’am very sorry about repeated messages, however, we saw everybody got it’s websites unblocked and we do not receive any answer about our cases.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: I’m doing several tests here. Please read it.
We know that IP is being used by several websites because it’s a shared hosting from LOCAWEB, we can’t change it… However we found an important pattern. ← IT’s OUR website, responding to, IT’S BLOCKED. ← IT’S NOT OUR WEBSITE, it’s a third one, responding to, IT’S BLOCKED ← ALSO, IT’S NOT OUR WEBSITE, responding to, ITS BLOCKED
Whats the pattern? All blocked websites has suffix “”. Whats the explanation?
As I could check the blocked websites has “” as domain suffix. Every website has several additional domains that are blocked too, so, this explain why is blocked among other ones.
Segue em anexo resposta da LOCAWEB S/A. Eles encontraram o site “” que era pishing e já tiraram o site do ar. Dessa forma já podem liberar os demais sites bloqueados como *
The site has been marked as blocked by AVAST antivirus, but Google certifies that it is a secure URL and the server hosting also ensures that has no malicious code. Please