poruka[0] = " OooPs(5nifra@9 dot cn)"
poruka[1] = " This SitE has bEn haCked by KhaLidmoro"
function prikaz() {
var text = poruka[slporuka];
Missed by Sucuri’s (cannot properly scan).
Not adding to IP security:http://sameid.net/ip/
Hacked via tbn1.google dot com (smut content) → encrypted-tbn1.google.com/images/ → hxtp://
comes up with a PHISHING attempt alert! javascript title repeated with “document.all.neonlight”.
I did not ask you to actually visit the defaced site. ;D
I have broken all links in my posting as should.
Any hack that results in defacement is caused by some vulnerability and lack of monitoring the website properly.
Sometimes it is vulnerable unpatched website software or a combination of softwate that is exploitable.
This for instance is not making us happy: Results from scanning URL: htxp://orgstore.com
Number of sources found: 19
Number of sinks found: 12
Several instances of “document.write(” and src/ strap.arguments.length * document.tickerform.strapline.value= (
See where this lead to security issues on a site checked: http://sz-dransfeld.de.trustcheck.net/
See code ='htxp://p.ld5.fr/t/lst/lst_34585_77.png (Google this) resulting in href=“htxp://www.khalidmoro.com”
(do not visit - abhorrent content))
Well this is bad practice there →
The IP PTR associated with this record, does not resolve back to it’s original IP address.
This is very bad practice.