Skin files

Does anyone know what his means: Failed to download skin files. I get this message when trying to load a web site that uses the camfrog active X controls. I do run IE 8 and thought that maybe this was a problem with IE 8. I have tried almost everything imaginable (that I know of) with out any luck. I can’t even find too much on the web. I was wondering if it might have something to do my avast antivirus.
Any help would be appreciated :slight_smile:

Would you please provide a link of the website? If possible, change http:// to hXXp:// when posting in order to prevent certain problems, just in case.

And possibly a screenshot of the error-message.

kind regards

I hope I did this right. I’m starting to think it might be more of an IE8 issue.

I’m using IE8 and I have no problem getting avast! skins: <== I like Black Vibe


I am trying to find out why I cannot access this website as I have no other problems with other websites and wondered if it was an IE 8 problem AVAST blocking something or something screwy on my computer

Hi again!

EDIT: Please take a look at .: L’ arc :.'s Post first (the post after mine…)

Have you already tried to open the website with an other browser?
(Firefox or Opera or Chrome/Iron or Safari or …)
If not, I would suggest to try to do so.

kind regard

I saw the pic & you are referring to ? Did avast give an alert when the page loads?

Yes, I am referring tho the website. Avast didn’t aleart me to anything (that I am aware of) but along with checking many ‘other’ things, I was also to check with my avast to see if it was blocking the the site/skins. I have never known Avast to give me too much trouble. I am just trying to figure out why the page won’t load when it goes to the cam/chat area but I can access everything else on the site. Also I have tried to open the site in another browser, Mozilla firefox with out the page even loading. This is what was on meetcam site in regards to other browser’s:

The VideoChat only runs on Windows 2000/XP/Vista using Internet Explorer!
There is a simple reason for this. Our VideoChat kicks ass! Other videochat sites only offer 3 frames per second with poor audio chat sound quality - just to ensure their chat will work with every operating system and browser. However with you will enjoy up to 30 frames per second while viewing video cameras, and an uncomparable crisp and clear audio quality. Our users will tell you that there is no better VideoChat experience out there on the internet!

Thank you.

Did this site already work somewhen before for you?

Yes, it work properly before, then I updated with IE 8, wouldn’t work until I found out to use the Compatibily button that is in IE 8 which then worked after. Now when I use the compatibily button (if it doesn’t do it automatically), when loading the cam/chat, I get the error message that it has failed to download the skin files. What is preventing the skin files from downloading?

Hmmm… I’m sorry, but I honestly don’t have a clue…
Possibly someone else has an idea… :-\

I JUST GOT IT!!! lol. I was running the windows one care live for anything out of sorts. I came across a mirar file that couldn’t delete the file. I searched the web to see how to manually delete this file and it told me how to open my registry editor and search for certain files. On the left hand side, I seen 3 different registries for Camfrog. I decided to delete them as it wasn’t working for me anyway. I went back to the web site where it redownloaded the skins and vola, it loaded! Thanks for all your help and replies :wink:

Nice to hear that its working for you again now, although I couldn’t really help you… :slight_smile:

Fell free to come back if you need any more assistance. :wink: