Skins list random order


I have a simple question for the Avast connaisseurs. :slight_smile:

It seems that the list of skins reachable through the program settings appears neither in alphabetic order, neither in author order… Maybe in installation order?

Any way to get the list in alphabetic order through an special entry in the .INI file? Other solution?

Thanks in advance to those who want to help or guide me.

Just click on the top of a field in the skin selecting screen to sort it.

I think, by the title of the thread, that the user wants that order each time it opens the settings, whitout the extra mouse click.
As far I know, there isn’t such a possibility in the avast4.ini file.

You’re right. :wink:

I wondered if there was a way to solve this.

Thanks anyways.

Actually, the skins are sorted alphabetically, just descending ;D
It should be in the correct order in the next update.

I found a solution ! ;D

Install all the skins you want. Then when you’re sure you have all the ones you like, disable the skins option.

Then enable again the skins option. The antivirus then asks a Windows restart.

Then, the skins appear in ascending alphabetic order. :stuck_out_tongue:

Unless the recent update of the program solved the issue and I happen to have tried what i said and do the update at the same time. 8)

Like Igor said, the recent update does correct this behavior, i.e., the alphabetical ascending order is now the default :wink: