
I used to like the Skins on the Old Avast. What is the chance of getting them back? 8)

It’s been asked for before and I hope it never returns to be honest.

Security software is serious business and adding skinning options just takes away that level of professionalism imo, skins are just for the kiddies to play with.

skins are just for the kiddies to play with.
agree .... kid stuff ;)

AV should be install and forget

These were avast 4.x era and disappeared from avast 5 on.

The third party package used by for skinning ended. So it was decided to drop the skins function. Many didn’t like the media amp style interface. There were some good ones made by some talented people, but they ended support for skins.

There are many users that make Themes for Windows including me and . I see nothing wrong with it but I don’t have a stick up my but!

Themes for Windows is not an Antivirus is it ::)I’m really not interested in what you do with your butt quite frankly but maybe you should put the stick back where it belongs :wink:

Listen Jackass, I asked the question as sort of a joke. That is why I placed a smiley in it. Without windows there would be no Avast.

You’ve just proven yourself as one of those kiddies ::slight_smile: as mentioned security isn’t a joke and maybe you need to speak to a counsellor concerning your affection for relative words to the posterior “jackass and butts”, you are a strange one at best but I’m sure they can help you.

You started it fool with your smart ass response. You obviously are quite full of yourself so just piss off!

Not very impressive language.

I beg to differ here on who is the fool as you are revealing your inferiority complex over my reply about not wanting skins returned and a meagre word used in my response such as “kiddies” has reduced you to completely acting like one ::slight_smile:

This is also a forum frequented by minors so please watch your language and attitude.

So The security business is a serious one. So then when Avast did use skins, they were just clowning around. Life is short. learn to with people that have more than AV programs on their PC. Avast is atool among others that I use. Like I said, the question was not even serious. Lighten up a tad.

Clowning around no… but maturing yes, since the days of skins avast has grown in users - features - protection and also now included on the stock exchange so as mentioned “security software is a serious business” and to be taken seriously they had to mature and do away with the superficial and concentrate on being a globally recognised security leader.

I would wager that all you have on your machine is Avast and every other AV out there. Learn what a smiley face is used for and take a chill pill.

I can tell you now you’d lose that wager :slight_smile: and unlike some I’m not stupid enough to have more than one AV on my system ::slight_smile:

Reviewing your responses will show who needs a chill pill ::slight_smile:


Your expertise and willingness to share your knowledge is much appreciated by many who visit this forum. Please don’t get worked up by the crass, immature utterings of someone whose forum input is far less than positive than your own - it is probably best to ignore such buffoonery and then perhaps the perpetrator will simply go away.