Skype Trojan Listens In on Conversations

From Donna’s SecurityFlash

Skype Trojan Listens In on Conversations

A researcher has released a tool, including source code, to listen in on Skype conversations.

Necessarily this requires that the user install the malicious program on their computer, and the old rule about how once you do that your computer is no longer yours applies.

I wonder what they are hearing? hours with bullshit phone talk? :o

John Cleese Clockwise ;D ;D ;D

Every morning i wake up i get spammed on Skype even though i have it set up to only show im messages from my contacts , i am running out of patience and i will probably get rid of the program. Such a shame as it used to be a really good IM in it’s day. The problem i have though is that all of my friends use Skype. I still haven’t found a decent alternative IM that would support the Skype network.