Slow outbound email

I am using Thunderbird 18 Beta 1 and if I have Avast marked to scan outbound messages it will take nearly 25 seconds for the process to complete.
But, if I turn off (uncheck) this option the email is sent almost immediately.

This did not happen using Thunderbird 17.0.

Outbound SMTP is 587 recommended by ISP.

Any suggestions?
Is it really necessary to scan outbound emails?
Waiting to see if this will happen in TB Beta 2 when it is released.

Well, you’re using a BETA…!! :wink:

Never had this problem on any other Beta.
This is the first time this has happened.

There’s always a first time. ;D


Let’s see what happens on its next release.

Yep. Anyway, nothing that avast! should worry about until it’s a TB final. :wink: