Slow pc

I am no sure this the correct forum for this topic, but I don’t know where should I go.
Mi pc has wxpp sp 3 just installed,40g hdd,Intel pentium 4 cpu,200ghz,1.99 ghz.1Gb ram and less of 10% of space in use. All of sudden, it is running slow. I already ran disk defragment and scanned with antivirus avast 4.8P. I see there are 45 processes running,490M transsaction. Also I see 2 iexplore.exe running with the same usuary. Do I have a virus?
I’ll really appreciate any hint about this matter!

First have you rebooted since experiencing the problem, that sometimes resolves issues like this if not malware bogging it down and there really isn’t enough information to determine that.

Depending on what version of IE you are running might have more than one occurrence of iexplore.exe ?

If you haven’t already got this software (freeware), use them to compliment avast, download, install, update and run it and report the findings (it should product a log file).

Don’t worry about reported tracking cookies they are a minor issue and not one of security, allow SAS to deal with them though. - See

Update, I just did a quick test (I don’t use IE as my default) and got two copies of ieplore.exe in the task manager.

I still use IE7 but if you open two IE windows (as opposed to two or more tabs) you have two occurrences of iexplore.exe in the task manager

Thanks very much for your fast response! I just ran again avast scanner and it found this: C:\Archivos de programa\Alwil Software\Avast4\DATA\moved\vista1[1].js.vir [L] JS:FakeAV-BM [Trj] (0)
File was successfully moved to chest…
Also I notice that the 2 iexplore only appears when I use internet. I heve IE8 and the new Safari.I gonna follow yor advise and let you Know what happens.
Thrully yours,
PD.English is not mi native language, so I hope you’ll undenrstand my poor grammar

Welcome CARLIN

IE8 runs each tab in its own address space to provide protection from each session crashing

Automatic crash recovery
Tab isolation
If a website or add-on causes a tab to crash in Internet Explorer 8, only that tab is affected. The browser itself remains stable and other tabs remain unaffected, thereby minimizing any disruption to your browsing experience.

Using Bold in posts is only needed for emphasis

What other applications are running on the system?
Did you have another anti virus application before avast!?

You’re welcome.

The detection by avast is alerting on a previous detection, that you chose to move/rename. This accounts for its location in the moved folder and the .vir suffix after the file name (the renaming of the file that was detected).

So on that initial detection you should have opted to send it to the chest, a protected area where avast won’t subsequently detect it again.

YoKenny explains how this can legitimately be the case for more than one occurrence of iexplore.exe in IE8.

in case the OP is running IE8:

several instances of IE is normal since IE8…multiple process allowing the browser not to crash completely if a tab does :wink: same goes for Google Chrome that uses one process for each tab. IE doesn’t run as many though.

Which is what YoKenny said (Reply #4) in response to the OP saying he is using IE8 (Reply #3).

I know, was too late when I saw it :slight_smile: